Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Half birthday

So today is Matthew's 1 year and 1/2 birthday. He went for his doctor's check up this afternoon and he has not had an ear infection for 3 months!!!! His ears were completely clear today...that makes mommy so happy. I am sure it makes Matthew happy too. He now weighs 21 lbs and 1 ounce...Dr. Goosby says he is perfect and ready to be a big brother. According to the doctor he should be saying around 20 words right now and by 2 years old he should be saying 50 words. Lets see...

He says...

duck (and quacks)
cat (and meows)
dog (and woofs)
nose (and points to his nose or any nose)
ear (and points)
mouth (and points)
eye (and points)
bottle (although I think he is actually saying ba-ba)
do that (which means he wants something to eat)

I think there is more but all in all I think he is getting along pretty well.

Below are some pictures I took this morning. He even stood still and posed when I told him to in a couple of them. I can't believe he is getting so big.

Here are some pictures of Matthew one year ago today. It's hard to imagine that we have been in our house exactly 1 year now. We moved in on Matthew's 6 month birthday. These pictures are the last pictures we have of him in our condo. It was such a mess with moving that we had to put him in his bed to take the pictures.

These pictures are not from his actual 6 month birthday but they are some of my all time favorite. He has grown so much that I can hardly remember him not being able to walk or sit up on his own. Wow. What a difference a year makes!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I guess it's about time...

So...I am going to be a mommy again!!! It's funny, but the due date is Dec. 29. Which is Matthew's birthday. I will have to have a C-section so I don't think he/she will be born on Matthew's birthday.

So here is our first picture of the new peanut. You can't tell much but I think he/she looks like me?? LOL

Friday, June 18, 2010

Not eating....again

I feel like it is this time last summer!!! Matthew is again have problems with his eating habits. I can't seem to get him out of his constipation right now. From time to time he does have problems with the bathroom but usually Benefiber in his morning, afternoon, and evening bottles will help with that problem. Now I can't seem to get him moving again. Because he is having those problems now...he won't hardly eat anything. He seems hungry but he won't eat. I have tried chicken noodle soup, chicken nuggets (which he will eat sometimes), sandwiches, tomato soup, baby food: peas, squash, sweet potatoes and corn, mango, pears. Most of the time (unless it is french fries) he refuses it all. It makes me so mad and upset because I know that he eats all of that and more at Ms. Cookies house (his sitter while I am in school)!!!!!!!!!!

This was exactly how he was acting last summer...I thought that maybe he was over not eating, boy was I wrong. I feel like such a failure =(!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

UGGGG....I'm sick!!!

Hi everyone!!! Tonight is the first night in almost a week that I have felt like posting a blog because I have been very sick with a stupid cold. Unfortunately, there are no pictures to add right now because it's all I can do to keep my nose from running. I have found that it is possible to have a runny nose and a stuffy nose at the same time. YUCK!!

Luckily, Matthew hasn't seem to catch this awful cold yet.

He is growing up so fast!!! Just the other day I was talking to him over the phone (Seth had it on speaker phone) and I asked him to "Give momma a kiss" and I heard a little kissing sound over the phone. I almost drove off the road...he is really starting to understand what we are saying.

Now he can say:

Nose (while pointing to it)
Ear (while pointing to it...he does have trouble with the r sound at the end but he is working on it)
Duck..and he quacks
Cat...and he meows
ma ma
da da
do that (meaning he wants more food)
bye bye

and many more...the other night he was reading his farm animal book and was going baaa baaa...I looked at the picture and sure enough there was a goat.

We are going back to the dermatologist now for his hemagiomia on his nose. They are now going to treat it was some creams and ointments. Hopefully this will work.

More later...I hope to be feeling better soon so I can take some awesome Father's Day Pictures.

BTW...Please pray for my SIL Casey

She recently found out she has a rare cancer. She will be finding out more information on Monday. Please pray that it hasn't spread and she will make a complete and full recovery!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

OK. OK. 17 months

I decided I better go ahead and post Matthew's 17 month information. I am sooooo behind on my blog, but tomorrow is the last teacher planning day so I am hoping to get caught up big time.

Here are some pictures I took on his 17 month birthday. I only got 3 before my camera battery died and I didn't charge it again until yesterday.

Here is our little angel at 17 months old...

This month he is talking and talking and talking but too bad we don't know what language he is speaking because we can't understand very much. I feel like I should know exactly what he is saying and the other day he looked at the perfect stranger and said, "bla be do ti sss toelds" and I swear she knew what he said. So I am beginning to think that he speaks perfect Spanish (since he stays with ladies who speak primarily Spanish all day) and we just don't know what he is saying. Another exciting milestone is the fact that now he will eat off of a plate without throwing the plate across the room. We can fix him a plate of food and he will sit there and eat off the plate. He has not been to the doctor since his 15 month appointment so I am not sure how much he weighs but I know he has gotten taller because he now can open doors. He hasn't shown ANY signs of an ear infection in at least 2 months so I hope he is growing out of that. Anyway, we hope to start trying milk or soy milk again this summer. Let's hope that he will tolerate that well. We are taking him to the dermatologist next Tuesday because his hemagiomia (I'm not sure I spelled that correctly) is growing back.

Now for comparison here is Matthew at 5 months old (1 year ago from the above pictures).

I love you Matthew Wayne =) Look at those lashes!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

...and then there were 5!!!

....days that is. Of school (with kids) left =). We actually have to go through next Friday but Thursday and Friday of next week are planning days.

Maybe then I will be able to catch up on my picture taking and blogging so Tia Kay-Kay won't kill me.

Matthew is now 17 months so when I have/find the time I will post a few pictures and information about him.

I promise to get back on the wagon about my addiction to blogging soon!!!

As for now...I must get ready for my next class (shh..I know I am blogging at school..shame on me)